About Me

I am hypnotized by the amount of data generated in today's world in every field. In this data driven world, most of the decisions within the organization are taken based on the facts and the data presented to the stackholders. As a Data Analyst, I am looking forward to merge my technical skills, analytical skills and business knowledge to generate unique and meaningful insights from the data.I always see Data Analsyis as a giant board game. Just like in board games if you play your moves right, you will get the results. Similarly if you use the data correctly and mindfully, you will get meaningful insights.

My Skills

As a Data Analyst, one must have a good hold on atleast one data cleaning and a data visulization tool. I have good hold on tools like.

  • Excel
  • Python
  • MySQL
  • Tableau

My Projects

As an entry level Data Analyst, who does not have any past experience, I have build some projects which includes Data cleaning, Data enrichment, Data Visulizations and many more. Below are listed some of my personal projects.

Google Playstore Data EDA

Analyzed over 10000 app listings in Python and gain insights about their price, size, rating,etc. of different categories of apps. I also used Seaborn and Matplotlib to visualize the data. One challenge which i had to face in this project was to rearrange the data in a row where the data had shifted to different columns.

Customer Churn Data Dashboard

Created a dashboard with Tableau to show the comparison between churned, joined, and stayed customers of a telecom company. Transformed and cleaned telecom company's data by using Python to ensure data completeness and validity. The challenge in this was to indentify the metrices to keep the existing customers and bring new ones.

Northwind Trader Analysis

Utilized SQL to assign primary key and foreign keys to all the tables to link them and extract data. Loaded and visualized data with Tableau to identify key business intelligences that can improve sales performance.

Contact Me

+91 7008140949
